Antas Ki Yatra अन्तस की यात्रा

अन्तस यानि भीतर. अन्तस की यात्रा अर्थात भीतर की यात्रा.

प्राण ध्यान -ध्यान साधना की सरलतम एवं उच्चतम विधि. जहाँ तर्क नहीं, केवल अनुभूतियाँ हैं।

Dedication : This blog is dedicated tothose great spirits(Sants), who following the tradition of Guru Shishya, deemed me worthy of attention and introduced me to PRAN DHYAN, the method of simplest and highest form of meditation. Where direct and indirect blessings are always with me, by the path shown by the them. With the effect that I guide and sport those who arementally disturbed in some forms and are in search of peace. In life through positive thinking and meditation I have come back to my self. If you like tocome, you’re. Note: I only show you the way, you only have to walk. You will only receive sensations. Come to thy self increase your self power. click here for Antas Ki Yatra


यह ब्लॉग उन महान आत्माओं (संतों) को समर्पित है जिन्होंने गुरु शिष्य परंपरा के अंतर्गत मुझे इस योग्य समझा और प्राण ध्यान की विधि से मेरा परिचय कराया जोकि ध्यान की सबसे सरलतम एवं उच्चतम विधि है। उन महान संतों को, जिनका परोक्ष / अपरोक्ष आशीर्वाद सदैव मेरे सिर पर रहता है। इस आशय के साथ कि उनके द्वारा दिखाए मार्ग द्वारा मै उन लोगों का सहयोग करूँ जो किसी न किसी रूप में मानसिक रूप से परेशान हैं। जिन्हें शांति की तलाश है. सकारात्मक सोच और प्राण ध्यान के माध्यम से मै अपने पास वापस आ गया हूँ। यदि आप भी आना चाहें तो आपका स्वागत है। ध्यान रहे ! मै केवल आपको मार्ग दिखाऊँगा, चलना आप ही को पड़ेगा। अनुभूतियाँ आप ही को प्राप्त होंगी। अपने खुद के पास आइए, अपनी ऊर्जाशक्ति को बढ़ाईए। click here for Antas Ki Yatra

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Mahasu Devta Temple
Location in Uttarakhand
Coordinates: 30.58°N 77.55°ECoordinates: 30.58°N 77.55°E
Proper name: Mahasu Devta Temple
Country: India
State: Uttarakhand
Location: Hanol, Dehradun district
Elevation: 1,050 m (3,445 ft)
Architecture and culture
Primary deity: Mahasu Devta
Architectural styles: Huna architecture
Mahasu Devta Temple is located on the Tuini-Mori road at Hanol. The temple is dedicated to Mahasu Devta. Lord Mahasu is the chief deity of this area and is worshiped in Mahasu Devta Temple by the people of Hanol and nearby villages. It is the ancient temple of Mahasu Devta built in 9th century. The temple was constructed in Huna architectural style initially but, over the ages, acquired a mixed style. It is included in the Archaeological Survey of India list of ancient temple in Dehradun circle, Uttarakhand.[1]
Mahasu Devta Temple is on the eastern bank of Tons River (Tamas) at Hanol village, near Chakrata, about 180 km from Dehradun and 78 km from Mussoorie.

The name of the village according to the legend was kept after the name of Huna Bhatt, a Brahmin. Earlier the place was known as Chakrapur, and it is said to be the place to which the pandavas escaped from laksha graha or the Lakhmandal on River Yamuna. The village is at an altitude of 1,050 m above M.S.L. on the left bank of River Tons earlier known as River Tamas (meaning short-tempered). No water can be drawn from it for irrigation purposes, because of its precipitous banks and deep gorges. It is for this reason the river is called Karam Nashini. According to the another tradition, the water of River Tons are the tears from the eyes of Bhubruvanan.
The temple village of Hanol is a sort of pilgrimage place for people living in vast areas in the mountainous parts of Uttrakhand, west of Yamuna River, The trans giri area of Sirmaur district and major part of Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh.
Hanol is approachable from Tiuni, a well-known trijunction of roads on the Pabbar River after covering a distance of 15 km on an all-weather motorable road which meanders smoothly through the pine clad mountain slopes. Although the terrain through which the road passes is very narrow and by the another side of road one can see the river tons. Besides his ancient and principal temple at Hanol, Mahasu Devta has number of temples scattered in his deitydom. Also the temples dedicated to Mahasu Devta birs (His two deputies) Kaulo and Shedkulia has exclusive temples for them in Theog and Jubbal.
A temple of Mahashudevta is situated at Lakshiyar village, which is 70–80 km far from Dehradun. mahasudevta mandir-lakshiyar
[edit]About Mahasu Devta

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